His Ways are Past Finding out

Rom. 11:33
Who could ever wrap their minds around the riches of God, the depth of his wisdom, and the marvel
of his perfect knowledge? Who could ever explain the wonder of his decisions or search out the
mysterious way he carries out his plans?
The ways and acts of God are beyond what the capacity of the mind of man can comprehend or
process, therefore, it will be unwise for any Child of His to question if their current situation can really
be helped or if God can bring to pass the promises made to them.
Mark 10:27
Jesus looked at them and replied, “With people it is impossible, but not with God—God makes all
things possible!
When the word of the Lord comes to you, regardless of your situation, simply believe even if it sounds
ridiculous or events thereafter points in the opposite direction. His ways are not our ways, neither His
thoughts as like of man. When the Lord said to Abraham (Gen.17:5), that he will become the father of
many nations, he was at a point that he was not only childless but he was well advanced in age at 99
years and the wife was 89 years old, it appeared impossible, in fact Abraham supposed God was a
comedian (Gen.17:17), he said to God, please let Ishmael live. He did become the father of many
nations such that today anyone who is anything links themselves to him. In the case of Joseph, God
told him he will become a powerful and influential ruler, but he ended up a slave in a foreign land,
and to compound it, he landed in prison for no justifiable reason; he kept the faith, holding on to
what the Lord showed him, and soon enough, the machination of Satan against him broke, he became
a ruler and the people that sought to dim his stars eventually came a did obeisance to him. When the
angel of the Lord came and said to Mary (Luke 1:28), you are blessed among women, he went on to tell
her – basically, it was like sentencing her to death, that though betrothed to a man she will be
pregnant but not for the man- what manner of favour? At the end, she is today a celebrated individual,
the birth mother of the Saviour of the world.
The crux of the matter is that, God has a way of doing His things which no man can understand, it is
sufficient for a person to believe God and run with the vision even though it may tarry or appear
unreasonable. Have you received a word from Him and it seems things are going in the opposite
direction? Keep trusting Him, He will bring it to pass. Are you going through an impossible state in your
life, yet His word says all is well, do not allow room for doubt. Cease trying to figure out how God will
make it happen for you, our Lord is a specialist in making the impossible possible, and you can take His
word to the bank.
Remember to fix your gaze on Him and not on the circumstance/situation, He is the Author and
Finisher who calls the things that be not as though they are determining times and seasons. The only
responsibility you have is to keep trusting Him and being righteous, because He who promised is way
more than capable to do what He has promised. He did it for Abraham, Joseph, Moses David and Mary,
He is still the same God (Heb.13:8).
He indeed carries out his plans in mysterious ways that are beyond human comprehension.

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